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Showing posts from June, 2018

Future of Star Wars: Situation Review

Recently it was being reported that Disney and Lucasfilm had put future Star Wars anthology projects on hold. Whilst Lucasfilm has denied the reports the fan backlash to the new Star Wars films has been considerably strong that this idea wouldn't be so far-fetched.  After Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017, Rian Johnson)  became a highly divisive film among the fans and then Solo: A Star Wars Story opening at only £83 million worldwide (£50 million less than projected) it wouldn't be a surprise if Disney were concerned with the franchise was being run.  Behind The Scenes The Last Jedi/Fan Backlash This is probably where the fan backlash came from. After The Force Awakens (2015, J.J Abrams)  was released it left fans with many questions about where the story would head next, which resulted in a hoard of fan theories as to who Supreme Leader Snoke (Andy Serkis) is or who Rey's (Daisy Ridley) parents are. And when the film finally came out the answers that were give

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Review (No Spoilers)

3 years ago the Jurassic Park franchise was given its fourth instalment Jurassic World (2015, Colin Trevorrow) .   A film that went on to become a box office juggernaut. De-throning Avengers(2012, Joss Whedon)  as the third highest grossing film of all time (before Star Wars came along). And now the franchise continues with the latest instalment  Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018, J. A. Bayona) .  But with many fans criticising Jurassic World of relying heavily on Nostalgia and a director who hasn't worked on a big-budget blockbuster before, will this film reach the same level of success as its predecessor? First Thoughts This film is amazing! Whilst the first Jurassic World relied heavily on the nostalgia of the original Jurassic Park this one is more or less its own thing! It has an emotional story, the characters have improved since the previous film and the dinosaurs are incredible!  Owen/Chris Pratt I loved Chris Pratt in this film. I think that this

Jared Leto's Joker Solo Movie - Situation Review

Last night it reported that actor Jared Leto (Dallas Buyers Club, Blade Runner 2049) would not only be acting but producing a Joker Solo film for the DCEU. The reaction to the news has been divisive over fans. Some fans are willing to give Leto another shot whilst others do not wish to see Jared Leto ever wear the Make-up ever again. However, I believe the situation is a little more complicated than people are saying. And, to be honest, more complicated than it really should be. Leto's Joker Personally, I think a Jared Leto Joker movie could be quite good. Leto's Joker was quite interesting and very different from other interpretations of the character. Also, I imagine Leto wants to do the character justice. Whilst I believe  Suicide Squad  did lay a foundation for a good interpretation of the Joker it also held Leto's performance back. With re-edits and poor direction really tying the character down. And audiences noticed this in the final edit of the film and tur

Wonder Woman 2 Logo - Image Analysis

A Couple of days ago, former Co-Head of the DCEU Geoff Johns (Wonder Woman, Justice League) posted this image on social media. A cryptic image suggesting the setting for the upcoming Wonder Woman 2 (2019, Patty Jenkins) . After which, director Patty Jenkins (Monster, Wonder Woman) changed her Twitter background to the image. Further confirming the Look and Tone The first thing fans will notice about this is that it's quite different to the look of the first Wonder Woman film. And I believe that to be intentional. The film is now confirmed to be set in the 1980's, which was around the time of the Cold War, so this logo gives off more of a Black Ops vibe than anything else. It's also worth mentioning that 1984 was when the first Macintosh computers were released, which could explain the Computer Screen aesthetic for this logo. However, from this image, it looks like the sequel will have a darker tone compared to the original. Somewhat similar to Atomic Blonde (2017