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Showing posts from April, 2016

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Review (Spoilers)

After three years of waiting Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice has finally arrived. And it is AMAZING! This film is one of the best comic book films I have ever seen. Now, I know this film has taken a serious pounding from critics, who have been merciless in their reviews. Is the film flawless? Of course not. There is definitely parts that could have been improved, and I'll be writing about those later. But those faults don't ruin the rest of it and it really doesn't deserve the beating it's taken. Now, onto the review! Note, this does contain spoilers. I would advise people to read the rest of this after they've seen the film. Perhaps the best thing, but also where the film's faults come in, is the writing. This script for this film is great! Chris Terrio has Taken the superhero genre away from the bright and fun tone from the 60's and 70's and using source material from more more interpretations of the characters and grounding in a semi-realistic