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Showing posts from August, 2016

Weekly Movie Updates: Jared Leto for Blade Runner 2, Black Suited Superman!

For this blog I'm starting a new thing called Weekly Movie Updates, where I highlight 5 movie headlines that came out in the week and discuss them. I can't promise that I'd be able to do this every week but I will do my best to do so. 1. Jared Leto cast in Blade Runner 2 The sequel to the iconic 1982 movie has cast Jared Leto. Whilst it hasn't been clarified as to the type of role that Leto will be playing it is most likely that he'll be playing a replicant (Robots that look like people). The reason I think this is because Leto's charisma, especially after playing the Joker, would be better suited for that kind of character. If you've ever seen the original Blade Runner then you'll know about the main antogonist, Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer), who embodied the ideals of rebellion with his punk look and inhuman characteristics. Whilst also expressing an attitude of self determination. Something that Leto could do a great job of embodying those charact