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Showing posts from July, 2016

Batman: The Killing Joke Review (SPOILERS)

During San Deigo Comic Con this year Warner Bros. Animation premiered their long awaited adaptation of Batman: The Killing Joke. For those who don't read comics, Batman: The Killing Joke is one of the most iconic, and most praised, Joker stories ever published. If you're ever wanting to get into comics, particularly Batman comics, then this story would be at your essential look into The Joker. This is because the comic shows the Joker at, arguably, his most darkest. Particularly at the time when comics were leaning away from kid-friendly material and going in a more dark and adult direction.    So because of how much fans loved the comic the animated adaptation of it has a very high standard to live up to. It's even rated R so that it can adapt the comic as best it can. But the question is does it deliver? And I would have to say no. There were some thing I liked about it and some things I really didn't. But overall, the cons outweighed the pros. Also, there will b

San Diego Comic Con 2016: Top 5 movie trailers

Comic Cons happen all the time around the world. From New York to London. But no matter what, the one Comic Con that gets all the big headlines every year is the one in San Diego. Home of the famous Hall H, people all over the world gather to take part in the event. And where big movie studios come to present their work to fans. For this post I'll be looking at the top 5 movie trailers that premiered at Comic Con this year. No.5: King Arthur I think that just about every generation has grown up with some version of the Arthurian legend. Whether it's live-action film, television or animation. But this trailer looks like a different take on the character then we've seen in a while. Giving Arthur more of a chip on his shoulder by being raised on the street. Charlie Hunham seems to fit the role quite well, judging from this first look. Guy Ritchie has placed his own personal style onto it, which I personally like. I think he did a very good job re-imagining Sherlock Ho